Student Conference: Structural Racism in the U.S.
July 23/24, 2021, 12 - 6.30 pm via zoom
The Bavarian American Academy kindly invites you to its online student conference.
Keynote lectures are open for public, guest listeners are welcome to join.
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Keynote Speakers
Friday, July 23, 2021 | 12.30 pm
Dr. Rosalind Hampton (University of Toronto):
“Canadian Academia as Colonial Continua”
Discussing the development of higher education in the settler colonizing of Canada and in the transnational context of empire building, the talk will address contemporary contexts and take up notions of continua to critique social relations and the cycles through which coloniality is reproduced, as well as resisted and interrupted, within academia.
Dr. Rosalind Hampton works as an assistant professor of Black Studies in the Department of Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto. Her current areas of research, teaching and supervision include Black radical thought, arts, and activism; social relations in Canadian academia; student activism; informal and non-formal learning; and critical-creative praxis in Black Studies research and pedagogy.
Saturday, July 24, 2021 | 12.30 pm
Dr. Cedric Essi (Osnabrück University):
“It’s all in the Family: Kinship, Property, and Structural Racism after Trump”
The rise of Barack Obama to the White House was accompanied by national debates about the possibility of an imminent “post-racial” era in the United States. But in the wake of the Trump presidency, “structural racism” has become the new key term in mainstream diagnoses of the state of the Union. My talk traces how this shift has been shaped by changing notions of American kinship and highlights how historical links between kinship and property continue to determine racism in the Biden era.
Dr. Cedric Essi is a post-doctoral scholar at the collaborative research center “Law and Literature” at Osnabrück University (SFB 1385 “Recht und Literatur”). He graduated from the University of Würzburg, received his PhD in American Studies from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and also taught at the University of Bremen. Essi’s work focuses on critical race theory, cultural legal studies, as well as queer studies. He has been supported by research fellowships at Harvard University, UC Berkeley, and the University of Southern Denmark.