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Herzlich Willkommen am Amerika-Institut München

Unser Institut stellt sich vor

Das 1949 gegründete Amerika-Institut der LMU München ist das älteste und eines der größten Institute seiner Art in Deutschland.

AI staff October 2023

Quelle: privat, 2023

v.l.n.r.: Dr. Nadine Klopfer, Prof. Dr. Pierre-Héli Monot, Dayela Valenzuela MA., Prof. Dr. Christof Decker, Renate Krakowczyk, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt, Dr. Natalie Aghoro, Julia Rössler, Nicole Schneider MA., Dr. Amy Mohr, Dr. Andreas Etges, Alexandra Schenke MA., Prof. Dr. Christof Mauch, Prof. Dr. Michael Hochgeschwender, Dr. Anna Flügge

Forschungs- und Studienprogramme

Das Institut bietet einen Bachelorstudiengang in „Nordamerikastudien“ sowie einen Masterstudiengang in „American History, Culture and Society“ an. Es beteiligt sich darüber hinaus an Programmen der Komparatistik, Medienkulturwissenschaft, Jewish Studies, Filmforschung, Religionswissenschaft und an Promotionsprogrammen der Fakultät.

Die Forschungs- und Studienprogramme des Amerika-Instituts vermitteln grundlegende sowie vertiefende Kenntnisse der sozialen, kulturellen, literarischen, ökonomischen und politischen Geschichte und Gegenwart der Amerikas, insbesondere der Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. Sie behandeln sie interdisziplinär und setzen den nordamerikanischen Raum ins Verhältnis zu anderen Weltregionen mit ihren jeweiligen historischen und kulturellen Entwicklungen.
Vielfältige Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten

Das Amerika-Institut bietet die Möglichkeit einer intensiven, gleichzeitig aber auch methodisch und inhaltlich sehr vielfältigen Spezialisierung.

In Anbetracht der Vielzahl von Mitarbeitern sind die Forschungs- und Arbeitsschwerpunkte zur amerikanischen Geschichte breit gestreut: Geschichte der USA, Interamerikanische Geschichte, Nordamerika in globaler Perspektive, Geschichte Kanadas, Transatlantische Geschichte; Europa und Nordamerika in vergleichender historischer Perspektive, Geschichte der African Americans, Umweltgeschichte Nordamerikas im internationalen Kontext, Religionsgeschichte, Migrationsgeschichte, Parteien- und Politikgeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Sportgeschichte, Geschichte der Populärkultur, der Architektur, des Stadtraums. Chronologische Schwerpunkte werden im 19. und in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts gesetzt.

Entdecken Sie unser Forschungsspektrum!


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Schellingstr. 3 VG
80799 München
Tel: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2739

Amerika-Institut ONLINE/during COVID-19

Resources for Online Semesters (PDF)

Please check out our pdf guide for important information and links that will support your online studies.

Winter Semester 2021-2022

Welcome back to the Amerika-Institut!

As we look back on three consecutive semesters of teaching and learning remotely, we have enhanced our online skills; however, we certainly have renewed appreciation for meeting in person. We are ready for a new start and welcome the chance to see our colleagues and students again. While we are adjusting to the current “3-G” and hygiene regulations, we appreciate your patience and cooperation. See you soon!

Winter Semester 2020-21

In Winter Semester 2020-21, while adjusting to the restrictions to maintain public health, American Studies students have remained engaged in their courses and the news of the day. Faculty have continued with online teaching, and with the benefit of experience, have offered the full range of courses including lectures, foundation courses, seminars, and individual advising of independent study and thesis projects.

The highlights of the semester included two online lecture series, American Studies Today and Pandemics in American History and Culture. Invited international scholars and Amerika-Institut faculty shared their research in well-attended weekly lectures and lively discussions focusing on the most pressing issues of our time.

We will continue to engage current events as our academic work coincides with developments in the U.S., Canada, and at the U.S./Mexican border. Our discussions are ongoing, with events sponsored by the Amerika-Institut and Amerikahaus providing perspectives on our current moment. Join the conversation!

Summer Semester 2020

In Summer Semester 2020, due to the coronavirus, we shifted to online instruction and continued our programming to include excellent lectures, workshops, and conferences delivered remotely through the Amerika-Institut and Amerikahaus. Please see the links to these events below.

In our teaching evaluations, organized by the Fachschaft, students generally praised the approaches to online teaching. Before the semester began, the faculty retrained and retooled their courses to teach online, resulting in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous options. Although everyone would like to return to in-person class meetings, students were able to continue with their studies while meeting the current health guidelines. In sum, digitalization and remote learning have led to innovative course offerings and new connections with international scholars, which will continue in the future.

Despite the challenges of this time, our faculty and students, with the support of LMU, have maintained a commitment to teaching and research. Looking ahead, concerns about the effects of the pandemic, systemic racism, and the upcoming presidential election, and the ongoing development of new approaches to American Studies scholarship, will lead to meaningful discussions and events in the winter semester 20/21. Stay tuned!

Some of our events during COVID-19

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