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Alumni Award 2021


Alumni Awards 2021

Die Alumni Association freut sich, die Award-Gewinner für die jeweils beste Bachelor- und Masterarbeit im Jahr 2021 bekannt zu geben. Die beiden Preisträger sind in einer virtuellen Feier ausgezeichnet worden, im Beisein von Vertretern der Alumni, der Jurys, der Nominierenden und der Fachschaft. An dieser Stelle nochmals herzlichen Dank an alle Beteiligten!

Die Preisträgerin des Awards für die beste Bachelorarbeit ist:
Alexandra Schenke, “A Lasting Legacy – The Resilience of German Character Conventions in Hollywood Cinema in the Context of Evolving Transatlantic Relations.” (Gutachter: Dr. Andreas Etges)

Laudatio der Jury:

„Die Arbeit von Alexandra Schenke mit dem Titel „A Lasting Legacy - The Resilience of German Character Conventions in Hollywood Cinema in the Context of Evolving Transatlantic Relations“ versucht sich an einer grundsätzlichen Analyse der Erscheinungsformen von „Deutsch“ und „Deutschsein“ im großen Hollywood-Kino seit seinen Anfängen. Die theoretisch fundierte, in der Darstellung wohl ausgewogene und mit reichhaltigen Beispielen unterfütterte Arbeit überzeugt dabei auf verschiedenen Ebenen: Einerseits gelingt es ihr inhaltlich die langen Entwicklungslinien im umfassenden Untersuchungszeitraum deutlich herausarbeiten zu können, ohne sich dabei auf Einzelbeispiele zu verlassen oder sich in Einzelaspekten zu verlieren; andererseits besticht sie durch ihr sprachlich deutlich überdurchschnittliches Niveau und die gut lesbare Form. Die kluge Passung von Bildern und grafischen Beispielen trägt dabei ebenso bei zum sehr gelungenen Eindruck und zur überzeugenden Analyse bei - und so ist es fast etwas schade, dass die Untersuchung bereits 2012 mit dem Film „Django Unchained“ endet.

Die Jury verleiht daher für diese sehr gelungene Arbeit den Bachelor-Award der Alumni Association 2021 an Alexandra Schenke.“

Die Nominierten für die beste Bachelorarbeit 2021 waren:

  • Julia Catharina Hirner, "An American Intelligence Conspiracy: The CIA, MKULTRA and the Unabomber.“ (Gutachterin: Prof. Dr. Ursula Prutsch)
  • Alexandra Schenke, “A Lasting Legacy – The Resilience of German Character Conventions in Hollywood Cinema in the Context of Evolving Transatlantic Relations.” (Gutachter: Dr. Andreas Etges)

Die Preisträgerin des Awards für die beste Masterarbeit ist:
Matilda Liffey Shaw, „‘Confessionality’ in Modern-Day America: A Timeline of Repentance, Self-Creation, and Personae.”

Laudatio der Jury:

“Matilda Liffey Shaw’s quite audacious Master Thesis offers an extensive study of American confession culture bridging the colonial era with the social media-driven society of the 21st century. Her ambitious project sheds a light on what seems to be an inherently American cultural practice which has evolved into various shapes over time.

Shaw’s thorough study is based on an examination of confession culture in Christian theology, both Catholic and Protestant, with an appropriate emphasis on puritan culture as a highly gendered practice of public and often ritualized confession, which can serve cathartic as well as protective purposes, aptly exemplified in the Salem Witch Craft Trials and the ‘Conversion Narrative’.

From here the author traces the development of confessional modes from the religious to the political (ultimately shown in Bill Clinton’s public confession) and the social, as secular society-shaping forms. Applying Sigmund Freud’s ideas of the healing and cathartic ‘Talking Cure’ along with Michel Foucault’s concept of therapeutic ‘Truth Production’ as well as more recent theories, she explains how the self-reflecting aspect of confession fuels a trend to communicate more publicly. Reality TV formats and eventually the onset of online media have taken self-exposure entirely into the public realm and to a truly culture-shaping level.

However, Matilda Shaw also discusses the community building legacy of confessional self-help groups, which served as role models for activist movements in the 20th and 21st centuries such as second-wave feminism, gay rights, LGBTQIA+, and especially #MeToo. In this regard, confessional culture offers supportive formats for minority groups that seek political acceptance and justice. On the other hand, on the downside, confession in 21st century (online) America emphasizes a highly controversial culture of narcissistic, self-focused, personae constructing performance, which even turns confession into a new kind of currency.

This very comprehensive, ambitious thesis tells the story of confession, from the guilt-ridden church member in Puritan America to the self-created, performing persona on a public stage in today’s online world. It is well written, thoroughly researched, rich in examples, easy to read, and shows great potential for further studies. The jury congratulates Matilda Shaw on a well-deserved award.”

Die Nominierten für die beste Masterarbeit 2021 waren:
Alexander Brackebusch, “Varieties of the Imperial Presidency –

  • The Transformation of the Presidency of the United States of America.” (Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Uwe Lübken)
  • Verena Freudlsperger, "Environmental Narratives in American Movies: Western Island Imaginations.” (Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Uwe Lübken)
  • Kira Hentschel, “‘Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historical Park’ Commemoration of Women War Workers.” (Gutachter: Dr. Andreas Etges)
  • Hanna Sophia Hörl, “... Or Does it Explode?” – The Possibilities of Creative Resistance and the Role of Spatial Transgressions in African American Art.” (Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Christof Decker)
  • Tatjana Klein, “Appropriating the Glass Ceiling Paradox – Hillary Rodham Clinton and Politics.” (Gutachterin: PD Dr. Charlotte Lerg)
  • Carolin Lenk, “Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The Effects of Masculine Norms on Sexism, Homophobia, and Mental Health in the National Hockey League (NHL).” (Gutachterin: Prof. Dr. Ursula Prutsch)
  • Matilda Liffey Shaw, “‘Confessionality’ in Modern-Day America:
  • A Timeline of Repentance, Self-Creation, and Personae.” (Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Klaus Benesch)