Director, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Professor, Department of History, LMU
Director, Lasky Center for Transatlantic Studies
Member Academic Board, Doctoral Program "Class of Culture and History"
Steering Committee LMU and UC Berkeley, Research in the Humanities
Steering Committee LMU and New York University
President, Foundation for Transatlantic Politics and Culture
Christof Mauch was raised in a Swabian forest. He studied in a close-by university town (Tübingen) where he founded a publishing house, worked in a book store, in a Volkshochschule, and as a church organist. Mauch got degrees in Philosophy, History, Literature, and Protestant Theology. He earned his Dr.phil. in Modern Literature (with a dissertation on Swiss poetry, 1990) and his Dr.phil.habil. in Modern History (with a study on American secret intelligence, 1998). After spending much time in Washington’s National Archives, he decided to focus his research on nature and environmental history. Before coming to Munich (in 2007) Mauch was the director of the German Historical Insitute in Washington D.C.. He has held visiting professorships in Beijing, Edmonton, Kolkata, Madison, WI, Vienna, Washington, D.C., and Warsaw. Christof Mauch is a Past President of the European Society for Environmental History and an Honorary Professor at Renmin University, China. Since 2007 he has been running the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at LMU as its founding director. He is a member of 40+ academic boards and committees. Once a year he makes time to cycle through Europe with his two sons.
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