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"Radical Provocations: Scum, Feminism, and Reading Publics"

We will be hosting Breanne Fahs (Arizona State University) on Tuesday, January 30, 5-7pm (via ZOOM). Everbody is welcomed!


Poster  - Breanne FahsAs part of "The Arts of Autonomy"- research group's lecture series, we will be hosting Breanne Fahs (Arizona State University) on Tuesday, January 30 and would like to invite you all to join. The event is co-organized by our ERC project "The Arts of Autonomy" and the DFG project "The Upsurge of the Manifesto" (TU Dresden).

Breanne Fahs is a feminist literary scholar who has published extensively on the genre of the feminist manifesto. In her talk, she will discuss the impact of manifestos and provocative political literature on the public and their general relevance for political protest. Breanne Fahs' talk, entitled "Radical Provocations: Scum, Feminism, and Reading Publics", will take place as an online event and will be hosted via Zoom from 17:00 (c.t.) to 19:00. Please see the attached poster for details.

For registration and more information, please contact David Bebnowski:
