The Fachschaft cordially invites you all to this year's AI Christmas Party which shall take place on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6pm, in room S 201, Schellingstr. 3
We kindly invite you to the guest talk of Prof. Dr. Kimerly J. Brown (Dartmouth College), on Dec, 12, at 7pm, at the Amerikahaus Munich. Everybody is welcomed!
We kindly invite you to a guest talk with holocaust survivor Abba Naor, on Wednesday, November 20, at 6pm sharp, in Schellingstr.3/VG, room S 201. Everybody is welcomed!
We kindly invite you to the dissertation defense of Steph Berens on Friday, November 8, at 2pm, in room S 106, Schellingstr.3/VG. Everybody is welcomed!
We kindly invite you to the dissertation defense of Carole Martin on Tuesday, November 5, at 2 pm, in room 020, Amalientr. 73 A. Everybody is welcomed!
We kindly invite you to the defense of Sakina S. Gröppmaier on October 31, 2-4pm, in S 201 of the Amerika-Institut, Schellingstr.3, front building
It's our birthday! 75 years Amerika-Institut 25 years Alumni Association at Amerika Haus on October 23, 2024! +++Want to help us fund our big celebration?+++
We kindly invite you to a guest talk with Matt Sandler (Columbia University) on Thursday, June 27th, at 6:15 pm. The event will take place on Zoom.
We kindly invite you to our guest talk by Dr. Saskia Hieber (Politische Akademie Turzing) on May 16, 2024, 4.15 - 5.45 pm. at Schellingstr. 3/VG, H001, 80779 Munich.
Am 23. Oktober 2024 feiern wir im großen Stil im Amerikahaus - das Amerika-Institut wird 75 Jahre alt und die Alumni Association 25 Jahre.
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Klaus Benesch, am Mittwoch, den 7.2.24, um 18 Uhr c.t. in Raum S 001, Schellingstr. 3
Der Gastvortrag von dem Schriftsteller Ilija Trojanow findet am 24. Januar, von 16 bis 18 Uhr, Schellingstr.3 VG, in Raum 201 statt. Everybody is welcomed!
We kindly invite you to a guest lecture with Martin Puchner (Harvard) on Wednesday January 10th, 16:00-18:00pm, at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 - M 101.